Fit Testimonies

Here are several Fit Testimonies for your reading pleasure! Be encouraged by how God is transforming lives through the fit combination of faith and fitness!
I started talking and thinking about fitness with Kate and watched her eat a healthy alternative at Toojays restaurant - the Health Trio-with a hummus, tabbouleh salad with carrots, cucumbers and olives. I began eating this instead of meat and potatoes for lunch, found a used stationary exercise bike in the classifieds and began peddling! I weighed 240, now I weigh 190, am about to turn 85 and I make healthy smoothies in the morning.
Jim M.
I attended a Fit Group at Panera Bread and Whole Foods in Ft. Lauderdale and then began researching healthy food substitutes for my MS meds-I now enjoy exercising every day-walking and stretching, yoga, even swimming and I have cut back on several of my medications. My skin looks so fresh!
Candy L.
Inspired by Kate’s testimony in one of her groups, we began walking 3 times a week for a year-sticking to a regular schedule and always talking about what the Lord is doing in our lives and about what we were eating each day. I began to eat more fish, less meat and sugary drinks and lost 50 lbs. I had to buy new suits. Praise God!
Wiley T.
After having a Bible Study and a healthy ladies Fit lunch get together and everyone talking about their own healthy substitutes and ideas I realized the creamers I was using in my coffee were very fattening. So I began using almond milk and making other changes and have enjoyed a much healthier lifestyle.
Nancy L.
I have been watching Kate for several years now and we always talk about what we are eating, she shares good menu ideas with me for my family. She told me about getting a Fit board for a quick and easy way to get my heart rate up as my schedule is very busy with work. I have enjoyed using it when I can and I am thankful for Kate’s influence in my life. She also encouraged me when my mother died and gave me a Bible.
Anna M.
After meeting Kate at a recovery meeting, she invited me to come to church. God had healed me of my addictions 8 years prior but something was still missing in my life. I attended mass almost every day but I did accept her offer to attend First Baptist Church Ft. Lauderdale. I also attended a Christian recovery meeting with her where someone asked me if I knew for sure where I would spend eternity-I was not 100% sure. So they asked if I would like to receive Jesus as my personal Lord and savior to be sure and I said yes! The men prayed with me immediately. Now I read my One Year Bible, talk to God throughout my day and I have a relationship, not religion, with God through Christ. I give Jesus all the glory.
Rick S.
Amen! You can change anything in life with the help of God’s Word. He is for you and wants to heal you, help you and have a wonderful relationship with you! Donate and Download the Fit Guide eBook today and begin an intentional new life of faith and fitness today!