Kate is ready to uplift you and encourage you and walk you through healthy steps to transform and renew your spirit, mind and body. Let's get Spiritually Fit! You will love your life and your new self!
We will determine your individual needs and goals and decide a realistic, personalized schedule. We can meet at Panera Bread, Riverside / Barber bridge, Jaycee Beach boardwalk or over the phone or Zoom and walk and talk about how with God, you can re-train your brain to choose healthy options in every area of life! Together we will check out your current lifestyle choices and discover how to best integrate healthy substitutes into your daily schedule. Call or text Kate to get started! 772.766-kate.
We will discuss your
Spiritual well being-higher purpose, internal spirit power, identity, faith, prayer and praise
Nutritional health-tasty whole foods, healthy greens, healthy substitutes, detox & fasting
Physical health-movement, stretching, posture, daily exercise schedule & motivation, illness from resentments, bitterness and un-forgiveness; meditate on healing promises from God's Word
Relational health-healthy relationships, God's economy of love & forgiveness
Emotional health-truly enjoying your life, gratefulness and thankfulness, de-stressing and deleting toxic thoughts!
and we will also look at home and work toxicity
I'm so excited we will come up with a very achievable plan to enhance your life~ The Word + faith + action = SUCCESS!

John 10:10 says that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give us a fabulous, abundant life! Do you want that abundant life?
Contact Kate at 772.766-kate or email kate@katesfaithandfitness.org for more information. Our services are free and by donation so if you would like to donate and help clients who are currently not financially able please donate or contact us as well! You and your giving will be blessed! Thank you Fit Partners!
***Please note, a Biblical Health Coach is not a doctor and so Kate cannot diagnose or treat or cure disease. Kate will help build and maintain overall well-being and increase health through dietary, lifestyle and Biblical principals.